The Camelot Conspiracy
by Diane And David Munson
- Amazon
- Paperback: 354 pages
- Publisher: Micah House Media, LLC (October 1, 2009)
- Language: English
About The Book:
In the Munsons’ much awaited new suspense thriller, The Camelot Conspiracy, television reporter, Mary Katherine Kowicki, known as Kat to readers of Facing Justice and Confirming Justice, takes on powerful U.S. Senator, Lars Zorn, only to be demoted from Washington D.C. to Chicago. When she receives evidence about President John F. Kennedy’s assassination from a retired Chicago police detective, who worked on the assassination in November, 1963, Kat plunges into a decades old conspiracy and her life is rocked to the very core.
While the detective told the FBI what he found, it was never revealed to the public, or in the Warren Commission report. Curiosity overcomes caution about being labeled a kook as Kat digs deep to find if Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. She investigates the new information, using the exclusive web site, a data brokerage firm founded by retired CIA Assistant Director and Kennedy aficionado, Philip Harding.
“Winston,” the gentle boxer in The Camelot Conspiracy
Kat makes a shocking discovery—the data brokers are collecting private information on everybody, including herself, and selling the information to anyone with a credit card. She becomes a target of former agents, and calls on Federal Agents Eva Montanna and Griff Topping for help in exposing a shadow government that is determined to keep hidden secrets, old and new.
What People Are Saying…
“I read Facing Justice, and really enjoyed this book. I have pre-ordered The Camelot Conspiracy from Barnes and Noble, and can’t wait ‘til it comes out. You two and David Baldacci, are my favorite authors.” —Fred from VA
“I read The Camelot Conspiracy and I couldn’t put it down. It moved right along. It reminded me of my days in Army Intelligence in Eastern Europe. The scenes in Kazakhstan seemed so real. I really liked your first two books, and this one didn’t disappoint me.” —Roger in MI